125th Street Business Improvement District Releases Resource Information for Businesses and Harlem Community At-Large

Business Activity has basically come to a halt as we know it due to the impacts of Coronavirus. Business owners that we speak to are facing operational and revenue generating challenges while at the same time being in compliance with the Essential Business Executive Order. This update provides resource information we have received that may be helpful.

Response From Government and Philanthropy, Universities
Loans, Grants, Procurement, Moratoriums,

New York City Economic Development Corporation

COVID-19 Emergency Supply Sourcing & Manufacturing

New York State

Procurement Form

US Housing Urban Development

Foreclosure Moratorium for Homeowners

US IRS Coronavirus

Tax Relief

Columbia University

Retail Assistance

Essential Businesses and Economic Impact of Coronavirus

New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer

Economic Impact of COVID-19 on New York City

Response from Financial Essential Businesses in the BID Boundaries Customers continued to need essential banking services

The list below are financial institutions located within the BID boundaries and a summary of policy adjustments and links for more information

Chase Bank
350 West 125th Street
55 West 125th Street

Payments deferred, fees waived, credit lines increased

Industrial Bank Harlem
382 West 125th Street

Temporarily closed until further notice. On-line banking services available.

TD Bank
300 West 125th Street
100 West 125th Street

Details for customers by location

Capital One Bank
301 West 125th Street

Fee suppression and minimum payment assistance

Popular Community Bank
231 West 125th Street

Introducing Alternating Weekday Schedules

Citi Bank
201 West 125th Street

Temporary relief for cardholders

Citi Bank
75 West 125th Street

Use online banking; Carver accounts may be accessed 24/7 by using the online portal found or the Carver Mobile App.


We will continue to provide you with regular updates during these trying times for all of us.

State of 125th Street during Coronavirus


  • The majority of our administrative
    employees are working remotely.
  • Our Sanitation Clean Team
    continues to provide services 7am to 7pm and our Public Safety Team is on the streets from Monday to Friday from 11am to 7pm.
  • for sanitation and public safety you can reach us at directop@gmail.com
  • all other questions and inquiries should go to bid125thst@aol.com

125th Street Foot Traffic has also been affected and this has impacted our business.

  • Some of our businesses are very busy and some of them have very few customers to no customers.
  • Some are closing early, some are closed until further notice.
  • We are have observed businesses that are allowing customers in one-by-one and stores that are not opening at all.
  • Shows at the Apollo Theater are closed.
  • Businesses have also moved to take out and delivery only and some are offering take out service only.

Business Support from NYC Department of Small Business Services

  • Zero Interest Loans. Businesses with fewer than 100 employees, seeing a documented decrease in sales up to 25% or more will be eligible for zero-interest loans up to $75,000 to help mitigate losses in profit.
  • Eligible small businesses with fewer than five employees can receive a grant to cover 40% of payroll costs for two months to help retain employees. See links below:

COVID-19 Business Assistance Survey

Business Fact Sheet

NYC Employee Retention Grant

Guidance for Business Owners

Other Useful Business Links

Con Edison Suspends Service Shut Off

Department of Consumer Affairs Price Gouging

National Grid Temporarily Suspends Collections

U S Small Business Administration – Small Business Guidance and Resources

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