Health and Fitness

The One Ab Exercise You Should Be Doing

When thinking about my personal ab routine or what I may give to my clients, I usually break it down by dynamic vs. isometric. You may ask, what’s the difference? Dynamic represents any abdominal exercise(s) where you would physically move through a range of motion in order to execute the exercise. Isometric exercises typically represent […]

The One Ab Exercise You Should Be Doing

Think Twice Before Purchasing Supplements

We are now in generation fit, where everyone and their mother, father, aunt, brother, sister, and cousins are looking to get help getting healthy. When the suns a blazing and pool parties start happening, we are willing to try anything to look good. We work out, we diet, we cleanse, we contour, and in some […]

Think Twice Before Purchasing Supplements

Why Does My Weight Keep Fluctuating?

Nothing is more frustrating than putting all efforts into losing a few inches, then we roll out of bed and on to the scale and nothing happens. Don’t worry you are not alone, and you are also not the only one who unknowingly could be reading the situation completely wrong! Weight can fluctuate daily due […]

Why Does My Weight Keep Fluctuating?

Are You Seriously Still Static Stretching?

Simply put it just feels good to be loose and limber before a workout. Incorporating integrated flexibility training into your program will offer you a ton of great benefits, so if you do not dedicate time to stretching maybe some of the following benefits will convince you, as they range as follows: Performance Enhancements Increase […]

Are You Seriously Still Static Stretching?



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